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Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta

United for Ukraine (Edmonton) – 1 yr anniversary of the war in Ukraine

Alberta Legislature 9718 107 st, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Please join us at 6PM on February 24 at the Alberta Legislature. We encourage everyone to wear yellow and blue. Bring Ukrainian signs and flags. It will be a candlelit vigil, so please bring candles or battery lights.

Calgary Ukrainian Festival

Acadia Recreation Complex 240 90 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Clear your weekend plans! The Calgary Ukrainian Festival has something for everyone. Here’s what you need to know: When? June 3rd - Doors open at 10am. Entertainment running all day long. Zabava (after hours event) begins at 9pm and we will dance the night away! June 4th - Doors open at 10am, the festival will… Continue reading Calgary Ukrainian Festival

Job Fair for Ukrainian Newcomers

St. John’s Cultural Centre 10611-110 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Увага всім українцям у Едмонтоні! Ми маємо чудову новину для тих, хто шукає роботу та прагне побудувати свою кар'єру в Канаді! 21 червня відбудеться черговий Ярмарок Вакансій для українців Едмонтону. 21 червня, 11:00-15:30 St. John’s Cultural Centre (10611 110 Avenue T5H 2Z5) Реєстрація: Ви отримаєте чудову можливість знайти роботу, познайомитися з потенційними роботодавцями та… Continue reading Job Fair for Ukrainian Newcomers


Ukrainian Day Festival

Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village 195041 Highway 16 East, Lamont County, AB, Canada

Come by and celebrate Ukrainian Day with us at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village! There will be food, drinks and a lot of entertainment so stay posted as more details are revealed.


Ukrainian Newcomers Community Information Sharing Fair – Інформаційний ярмарок для новоприбулих українців

Rundle Park 113 Avenue Northwest 2909, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The event is scheduled for September 2nd at Rundle Park in Edmonton, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. At the fair, you will learn about the various resources and programs available in Edmonton for Ukrainian newcomers. Dozens of different organizations will share useful resources and participate in fair activities with you. Захід відбудеться 2 вересня… Continue reading Ukrainian Newcomers Community Information Sharing Fair – Інформаційний ярмарок для новоприбулих українців


Ukrainian-Canadian Heritage Day – Flag Raising Ceremony

Alberta Legislature 9718 107 st, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

UCC-APC invites you to participate in the raising of the Ukrainian flag. Flag Raising Event, will be held in Edmonton, Legislature-Henry Plaza on September 7 at 11AM. У четвер, 7 серпня о 11:00 біля будівлі Леґістратури відбудеться підняття українського прапора. Приєднуйтеся та вшануйте День українсько-канадської спадщини з нами!


UCC Hetman Award Banquet

St. John’s Cultural Centre 10611-110 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Join us for our annual Hetman Award Banquet. More details to follow.

The second anniversary of the unprovoked and brutal war in Ukraine

Alberta Legislature 9718 107 st, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Sadly, February 24, 2024 is the second anniversary of the unprovoked and brutal war in Ukraine Let us come together in unity, standing side by side to show that the spirit of Ukraine prevails. We invite you to join us at the rally near the Alberta Legislature - Violet King Henry Plaza. As we approach… Continue reading The second anniversary of the unprovoked and brutal war in Ukraine


UCC-APC’s 50th Anniversary Conference

Edmonton Convention Centre 9797 Jasper Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

On, Saturday, November 9th, 2024 at 8 AM, UCC-APC will be celebrating its 50th anniversary, at the Edmonton Convention Centre with a special conference which will be focused on the development of Ukrainian Organizations in Alberta. The themes discussed at this year's conference during break-out sessions will be: - Ukrainian Dance in Alberta: Celebrating Achievements,… Continue reading UCC-APC’s 50th Anniversary Conference

$75 – $300