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Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
Ukrainian Canadian Congress
Alberta Provincial Council
The voice of Ukrainians in Alberta
June 14, 2010 – It is with much sadness that the Ukrainian Canadian Congress Alberta Provincial Council must share the news of the sudden passing of Mr. Dave Broda.


June 14, 2010 – It is with much sadness that the Ukrainian Canadian Congress Alberta Provincial Council must share the news of the sudden passing of Mr. Dave Broda. Former UCC-APC President, and a former Member of the Legislative Assembly in Alberta, Dave was a dedicated volunteer in our community.  His wisdom, guidance and good nature will be very much missed by us all. On behalf of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress Alberta Provincial Council, our Board of Directors and member organizations, we extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Dave Broda. Dave will be remembered as a great Albertan and Ukrainian Canadian who loved this province and his Ukrainian heritage. He served his constituents and community honourably. He was a strong team player, an excellent communicator and problem-solver. His commitment to local communities and councils showed time and time again his dedication and passion towards his endeavours. Vichnaya Pam’yat. Вічна Йому пам’ять. Daria Luciw, UCC-APC President

Divine Liturgy was held to honor Dave’s life on June 21 at Exaltation of the Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church, 9003 – 153 Avenue, Edmonton, AB

UCC-APC Expresses Condolences
Over the Passing of Dave Broda

View the Special UCC-APC Newsletter for the Forum