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Grant to Support Alberta’s Ukrainian Organizations
The Ukrainian Canadian Congress-Alberta Provincial Council (UCC-APC) will provide funds to organizations that support Ukrainian nationals fleeing the war in Ukraine and settling in Alberta. This grant funding will cover the costs for various projects involving the provision of activities and events that organizations would like to offer in Alberta.
UCC-APC is a provincial organization and encourages organizations under the UCC-APC umbrella as well as those with existing relationships to apply for this funding. Funding is intended to support Ukrainian nationals, engage them within the Canadian-Ukrainian community and refer them to established organizations in Alberta.
This particular grant can assist organizations to complement but not duplicate existing government programs and services. The Government of Alberta recognized the remarkable efforts and the generosity of the community and is providing this grant to sustain some of these programs. The grant funding proposals will be reviewed and dispersed for eligible projects meeting the criteria. Preference will be given to those projects that include elements of community outreach and socialization for newcomers. Each project requires an application submission. The deadline for application is May 21, 2023.
Requirements and Eligibility
Grants may include funding for but not limited to:
· Hosting newcomers’ events in Alberta that provide fellowship and navigation assistance
· Organizing events that create community amongst newcomers
· Transportation to Ukrainian festivals in Alberta
· Bridging newcomer gaps and aiding navigation to online services and directing them to appropriate areas and agencies. Ukrainian language classes that maintain the value of a second language are eligible. Examples are Heritage Schools on Saturday or summers for children.
ü Grant funding cannot be used for training program cost, English language programs or to provide cash to individuals, nor it can be used to pay for household improvements. Those initiatives are in place for newcomers
ü Eligibility for this grant is based on several factors including the type of project, the number of people it will support, and the potential for a long-lasting benefit for the organization and families in Alberta.
Mn – Fr: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Weekends: closed