Now Accepting Applications!
Are you an artist? Educator? Do you run Ukrainian dance classes? Our UCC-APC memorial fund for $900 is open for applications!
The Anna Rudyk-Oastrom Memorial Fund was established in 1993 to support organizations or individuals who work in the promotion, maintenance and proliferation of Ukrainian language, arts and dance in Alberta.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for support, applicants must:
- Apply as an individual, a group or a non-profit organization each year according to the succession next eligible
- Meet the objectives of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress- Alberta Provincial Council qualify within the following areas of funding (arts, dance, language)
General Criteria
- Only one application per project
- 50% of the project must be funded from other sources
- No funding will be provided to cover operating budgets or capital expenses
- No funding will be provided for the concept development stage of the project
Application Requirements
- Name of organization or individual
- The act incorporated under an incorporation number if applicable
- The mailing address of the applicant
- Applicant contact name, position and phone number
- Project information
- Provide a detailed description of the project (i.e. what, where, when, how, for who), including a detailed budget with expected revenues and expenditures. Include a sample of work if available
- Outline the benefit to the Ukrainian community
- List the project partners, including financial support received; where possible, include letters of support from these partners.
- The documentation must be completed with the name and signature of the signing officers (applicable for organizations)
Applications must be in the office of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress- Alberta Provincial Council by the deadline date of June 15. Late, incomplete applications will not be considered.
Final Report Requirements
Recipients must file a financial statement and a final report upon completion of the project. Failure to do so will disqualify the applicant from any further funding from the foundation.
Provisions of Assistance
- The Board of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress- Alberta Provincial Council, will annually select the recipient of the grant to be awarded.
- In the event that no worthy application is received, the Board will have the authority to allow that year’s grant to be retained in the fund.
- The UCC-APC committee will review applications
- The decision of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress- Alberta Provincial Council, will be final
The recipient will acknowledge Ukrainian Canadian Congress- Alberta Provincial Council for the grant received from Anna Rudyk- Oastrum Fund.
Find an application here.